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HubSpot - Start Here

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The best way to learn HubSpot is dive in and start exploring its features. To help with that, we've created a series of videos showing you how to use the main features in HubSpot.

By the end of these videos, you'll:

  • Understand how to create emails, lists, and workflows.
  • Create automatic follow-up emails for commitments to Christ and interest in Open Door, including a day-before event reminder.
  • Know how to create additional follow-up workflows for first-time guests/givers, etc.

Critical Concepts

Please review the Critical Concepts page for a high-level look at important concepts, common mistakes, and key details to understand when working with HubSpot.

Watch these videos in order


Creating an Email

IMPORTANT: When saving an email for automation (for use in workflows), be sure you UNCHECK the following box. This makes sure everyone enrolled in your workflow will get your email. Leaving it checked could unintentionally exclude some contacts from getting your workflow email.


Use the video above and create and save the following emails for automation:

  1. Open Door - Event Details
  2. Open Door - Reminder the Day Before
  3. Commitment to Christ - First Follow-Up
  4. Commitment to Christ - Second Follow-Up (optional)

Suggestions for email templates are available on LC Open (commitment to christ, Open Door).

Note: Remember to update any dates used in these emails whenever they change (e.g. Open Door dates, baptism dates, etc.). It's easy to forget to do this since these emails get sent automatically.


Creating a Commitment to Christ Workflow

This video shows you how to send two follow-up emails for every commitment to Christ. The second follow-up email is optional.


Sending Unsubscribed and Bounced Email Notifications

This step ensures contacts get the proper follow-up in case they give us the wrong email address or have unsubscribed from HubSpot emails.

7. Adding digital communication cards to workflows

Some communication card items have a digital equivalent through the Life.Church App or on

If you've created a workflow for a physical communication card contact item that has a digital equivalent, you don't need to do anything else. People filling out the digital form will also be enrolled in your workflow.

Visit the Digital Communications Card page to see which Formstack forms are available for both physical and digital communication card follow-up.



Creating an Open Door Reminder Workflow

Note: Remember to update the date this workflow centers after each Open Door.


Now that you understand how to create workflows, lists, and emails, here's a handy shortcut for creating some of the more popular ones!

Cloneable Workflows, Lists, and Emails


Additional Videos

Once you've completed the videos above, watch these following videos to learn about other common features you'll use.

Next Article HubSpot - Critical Concepts
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