IT Support Knowledge Base

Misc - Cloneable Workflows, Lists, and Emails

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To help you get started, we've created a handful of the more common emails, lists, and workflows used in each ministry area.

Watch the following video to learn how to use these cloneable items.



When cloning workflows, be sure you double-check these three areas before turning the workflow on.

  1. Enrollment Criteria: Make sure you update the enrollment criteria to fit your needs and you're not unintentionally enrolling people that shouldn't be.
  2. Reenrollment Options: Anytime you change a workflow's enrollment criteria, it also changes the reenrollment options (whether a contact can be enrolled multiple times in a workflow). Be sure you enable or disable these options depending on your workflow needs.
  3. Enroll Existing Contacts: Decide if contacts who currently meet the enrollment criteria should be enrolled immediately when you turn the workflow on. If so, check this option. If left unchecked, only contacts who meet the enrollment criteria after you turn it on will be enrolled.

If you're unsure about any of these options, please ask!

Communication Card Follow-Up Workflows

Event Reminder Workflows

  • Open Door Reminder
    • Allow Reenrollment: Yes
    • Update the workflow using the image below as a guide.
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