IT Support Knowledge Base

Konnect, Loop iPad Not charging or Turning On

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This article is a guide to some troubleshooting steps to get a Loop or Konnect iPad to power on, or start charging again.


If the iPad is on but will not charge, please restart the iPad by following the steps in the article: Restarting the iPad

If restarting the iPad does not work, follow the steps below. 


Try to locate a power strip that is underneath the tech booth.

These can be on the floor, or sometimes to the left of the A/V rack.

Once the power strip is located, simply turn it off, wait a few seconds and turn it back on. In tech world, this is called a power cycle.

When power cycling the power strip, a small pop might be heard from the speakers. Do not be alarmed! Nothing is broken if this happens. The pop happens when one of the A/V components in the rack is plugged into this power strip.

If there is no power strip, or power cycling did not work

Follow these steps, carefully!

First make sure all other gear in the booth has power. If it does not, please refer to the article: Loop/Konnect - Turning the system on.

1. Locate the Redpark L4. This is a little black box that powers the iPad and provides DMX signal to the lights.

Redpark L4's are normally located on the back side of the rack, towards the top.

2. Unplug the USB cable, which is the middle cable, count to 3, and plug in back in.

Redpark (Top View)

If this did not resolve the issue, please submit a Help Desk Ticket

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