IT Support Knowledge Base

How To Use The Mobile Experience - Scheduling

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The Mobile Experience

One of the things we are excited about with this volunteer scheduling tool is the mobile experience we are able to provide our volunteers!
Through the mobile app, volunteers are able to view when they are scheduled, add block-out dates, accept or decline schedule invites, sign up for additional service times, and modify notification settings all from their smartphone.

In this app, you should be able to direct your volunteers to the “My Schedule” tab; this is home base for all of their volunteer scheduling needs.

Confirming Schedules

The Image on the right displays an example of what will appear on the homepage of the “My Schedule” page for a volunteer who needs to accept or decline a schedule invite.

If they click on the “Accept” button, the box will turn green and say “Confirmed”. At this point, the volunteer will also be able to copy the calendar link for the accepted schedule.

Alternatively, if the volunteer declines, they will get a pop-up that asks them to provide a reason why they will not be serving that day.

Signing Up For Additional Service Times

An amazing feature of this tool is the ability volunteers have to sign up for additional service times straight from the app.
From the homepage, clicking “Sign Up For Additional Times” will direct them to the page displayed to the right. They will be able to view which service times are available for the groups they are in, and have the ability to select additional times they would like to serve by clicking on the checkbox next to the time.

Adding Absent Dates

The last and highly useful feature to note within the mobile experience is the “My Absence” Page. From here, users can proactively add the dates they will not be available to serve.

This will reflect within the Volunteer Scheduler tool, so you as a pastor know not to add them to a serving schedule within the tool.

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