IT Support Knowledge Base

How To Use The Roster

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This page provides you and your team a higher view of every volunteer who has accepted or declined a schedule for a group on specific days. It is also to keep track of check-ins during the weekend.

The Roster is a list of all groups and volunteers scheduled for specific groups on various days. It’s important to ensure you are viewing the correct occurrence/date when viewing this page to have accurate information. The page also provides live updates of volunteer’s confirmation statuses, with a blank box indicating that volunteer has not confirmed and a checkmark indicating that they have confirmed. 

Live Update

If this button is toggled on then the page will be update around every 10 seconds. This is especially helpful on the weekends as it will be able to show you who has cancelled and who has checked-in for their scheduled services in real time!

Print Roster

This button will allow you to print out the Roster that is displayed on this page!

Volunteer Roster

The volunteer Roster is the area in the image above where the names of the volunteers are listed. This is the area containing information about all of the volunteers who have been scheduled to serve! You can see who has declined and what their reason was, along with the volunteers who have confirmed they will be able to serve at that service time.

Roster Style

The Roster Style dropdown at the top-left corner of the page allows users to choose between two views: Simple Roster and Roster w/Notes. The Simple Roster view is more condensed and allows more people to be listed on printed pages, but notes are not included. The Roster w/Notes view includes notes for scheduled volunteers, but takes up more space.

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