This article will show you how to move an individual into a household. For instance, when a couple marries and you want to combine the household.
Also, it will show you how to move an individual out of a household. For instance, when a foster child is no longer in the household, or a divorce.
Search for and select the correct individual.
Scroll down and click the Edit Pencil on the Family bar.
Click the Move icon below the individual who you are moving out of the family.
This will move them out of the family.
Click Save in the lower right side of the screen.
When moving someone out, it copies the address to the new household. It is necessary to update the address so that any mail sent will not go to that copied address.
Find the individual that you just moved out. Search for them in the upper right side of the screen.
Click the Edit Pencil on the left side of the family household bar.
Click the Edit Pencil next to the Primary address
Change the address type to Previous
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Search for and select the individual who is part of the family/household the person will be joining.
Click the Edit Pencil on the Family bar.
Click the Add Person button on the right side of the screen.
1. Select Add Existing Person
2. Search for the individual.
3. Click the Radio button next to their name.
4. Click Select
There are additional Search options (address, phone and email) that are available! Click the magnifying glass on the top-right of the Search window to expand these options.
Make sure the Remove person from other families box is checked.
Click Save.
Click Save at the bottom left side of the screen.
Use the "Add New Person" option and fill out the required information, along with any additional context you may have.
Click Save on this window, then click Save again on the bottom-left in the Edit Family menu. The new person will then be completely added.