There are several ways you can search for an individual or household:
- Name
- Phone number
- Key Tag/QR Code Number
- Email address
- LifeGroup
- Business
For more information about the Search Bar, please check out this article.
Visit RMS:
Search and select the individual.
Click the Edit Pen under the individual's name.
From this page you can edit most information on that person's profile.
It is best to keep previous last names and email addresses to help identify someone when they get married or update their email. To do this expand Advanced Settings.
Click the blue + to add and the "X" to remove.
Be sure to click the Save button at the bottom.
1. Search for one of the family members in the Search Bar on the top-right.
2. Scroll down on the family member's profile and click the pen icon next to the Family's name.
3. This will load up a new page, displaying a few different options. Let's walk through them!
a. Here lists the option to change the family's name, their primary Campus, Record Status and Family Status.
You won't typically need to change the Record or Family status, and the Campus is usually set automatically.
b. Here lists all the current members of the Family (formerly known as Household). On the top right of this section gives the option to add a person. Under each of the family members is a button to move them out of the current family. (This will move them into a separate family.)
- For more on moving members in/out of a family, check out this article!
c. This will list the family's current address, along with any prior addresses. You can edit the address by clicking on the pen icon next to the address, or you can add a new address. (If the family moved.)
- For more on changing an address for a family, check out this article!
4. After making any sort of change, click "Save" at the bottom of the page!