IT Support Knowledge Base

TL Connects - signing in and navigation

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TL Connects is Life.Church SMS platform. All texting campaigns should be sent through TL Connects. Please be sure to view Texting Best Practices and Guidelines to familiarize yourself with important guidelines and regulations as the relate to texting.

Sign into TL Connects by going to

You will see the landing page below:

There are three options for your text campaign.

  1. Create a textALERT
  2. Create an Automated Text
  3. Create a Keyword

You can also click the + on the top right and see the same options.


Under Tools you will also see textALERT, Automated Texts and Keywords. This will take you to pages where you can see data around each of those pieces.

Note: Life.Church is not using the Mini-URL's option. These are all done through Blink


On the Subscribers page you will see all the numbers that have been added to one of your text campaigns.

Important Note: The Optin row shows if the listed number has gone through the double-opt-in process. The green check indicates they have gone through the process while the ellipse indicates they have not.

Why is this important?

Numbers that have not gone through the opt-in process are not TCPA compliant. Federal regulation states that users must opt-in to receiving text messages by confirming "Yes" and that they understand messaging and data rates apply.

We should NOT be sending text campaigns to anyone who has not opted into those messages. See Creating textALERT or Creating an Automated Text for instructions on this.

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