This documentation will show you how to run Attendance reports in Rock RMS.
1. Where are Reports?
Click on the Reports icon in the tool bar on the left side of the screen
Select All Ministry Reports

In this example, we will look at an Attendance Report.
Click on Attendance in Date Range.

2. Selecting the Group/Parent group
1. Open the Attender or Volunteer drop-down menu.
2. Expand your Campus.
3. Expand the Ministry (Host Team, LifeKids, etc) then select to report all roles. (You may also click an individual role to choose just that one.)
4. Click Select at the bottom.

1. Under Schedules, select the specific experience times you want to pull.
(If you want to pull for all services, leave the "Schedule" empty.)
2. Select the Date Range start and end date.
3. Click Filter.

The "Minimum Services Attended" and "Minimum Attended Dates" are not required fields. Please see description under each field for more information.
Exporting your report will often display more information then you can see in Rock.
To Export click the grid icon on the right side of the screen at the top and bottom of the screen.

Once your report is exported, you can sort or filter as needed