F1 term = People lists
RMS = Tags
Group of people that a list is unique to user
Creating a Tag
- Go to the profile of the first person who will be part of the list
- Underneath the attendee's name, click 'Add Tag'
- Type in the tag. For Example, IT Team or 2018-03-EDM-Chazown

If this tag has been created it will appear and you are done.
If this is a new tag continue to the next steps.
Click Enter.
A box will appear letting you know that tag doesn't exist and asking if you want to create it.
Click OK.

Adding tags to a person or group of people.
- From the left Navigation bar, hover the People icon and then click Tags.

Under the Personal Tags section, click the tag you just created

- Under the Tagged People section, click the + sign on the bottom right.

1. Search for the person by typing in the first few letters of the first and last name.
2. Click the button next to the correct name.
3. Click Select.

Click Save on the right side to complete.
Or click Save Then Add to add this tag to others.

Using Tags
Sending Emails to everyone who has that tag.
Click on the Tag.

Click the communication icon in the lower right side of the window.

To view your list, click the Show List button.

From this list you can remove people by clicking the X .
Click OK when finished.

You can add anyone that is not on your list, by clicking Add Person and searching for that person.
Click the radio button next to the name to see more information
Click Select

Click Next.

1. Type in the name of your Communication.
2. Is this Communication Bulk? Answer yes or no.
3. Click Email or SMS depending on who type of communication you need.
4. Indicate if you want to send immediately or at a specific date or time.
Click Next.

Select a Template.
For the example, the Default Template has been selected.

Enter an Email Subject.
Click Next.

Click in the Title box. An email text box will appear on the right.
Enter the message, and edit any parameters as needed.
Click Complete.

Click Next.

On this page your can click Send or Save as Draft.