IT Support Knowledge Base

Child's Parent Info Tag is Printing Blank

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Please note, for separated families, the parent info tag will always print blank. This is for privacy between the separated parents. In this case, please have the parent write their information down when checking their child in.

Steps to Fix the blank Parent Information Tag

We'll need to remove the duplicate family from the child's profile. To do this, you will need to navigate to the child's profile whose parent information isn't printing.


Once the profile loads up, scroll down to the bottom of the page, you should see two families listed. Usually, one is the parent's actual family, while the duplicate is usually under the child's name.

After you see this, go ahead and click the pen icon next to those three lines on the duplicate family's name. This will load up a new page to edit the family.

Once it does, if there's only one person in the family, and they are part of another family, there will be a "delete" button on the bottom-right corner of the page. Click that and the extra family will be deleted, allowing the parent information to be pulled properly when they check-in next weekend!

Or if there's more than just one profile in the duplicate family, click the pen icon for the duplicate.

Click the "X" to remove all members until there's only one left. Rock won't let you remove whoever is the last one, as there always has to be at least one person in a family.

After doing this, click Save at the bottom of the page, and then go back into the duplicate family; the Delete button at the bottom of the page should now appear. Click that and they should be able to check-in properly!

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