IT Support Knowledge Base

Box - Step by Step

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The Document Export step (from Grooper) exports the documents to Box.

Your documents will be stored in the folder you specified in Grooper.

To log into Box go to Click Continue.

Inside the folders there are sub-categories.

Inside these folders, the documents will be organized based on the year that the incident occurred.

When you open the document you will see the image of the file.

To view, edit, or add meta data associated with the document, click on the Metadata icon.

Sharing Folders

Click the Share button next to the folder.

Type the email address of the person you'd like to share the folder with.

You can change the permission level by clicking "Invite as Editor" (this is the default option)

Select the appropriate option for the person you are sharing with.

Click Send.

Searching Metadata

When searching metadata it's important to understand how the search function will populate different results.

Use double quotes ("")to search for exact matches

Example: "Jane Doe" will pull only data that matches this exact request.

If you search Jane Doe, this will not pull exact matches, but word sequences, such as in the example below.

See Box's search criteria below.

Previous Article Creating Folder Shortcut (MacOS)
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