If you don't have permissions to merge an individual, this article will show you how to notify the right people of the possible merge so it can be fixed.
How to Request a Merge
As you are searching for an individual, if you come across a possible duplicate, you can send a merge request to an Administrator.
Search for an individual
From the list that appears, if it appears that one is a duplicate. (same name, date of birth or phone number or address)
Check the box in front of both names.
Click the Merge Person Records icon in the lower right side of the screen
This will send a notification to the RMS Administrators so they can be merged.
After clicking the Merge Person Records, you will have the option to add a note to the Merge Request, you can add any additional information about the merge here, then click Save.
A Success message will appear, letting you know your note has been saved and sent along with the Merge Request.
Please note, all merges are performed manually by RMS Administrators. There may be a delay between your Request and when the merge is finished.