This article will walk through how to add a conference room to a video call when the conference room isn't scheduled before the meeting starts.
1. Join the Meeting on your desktop through the Teams app.
2. On the 'Join' screen, click 'Add a room'.
3. Either Choose a Conference Room or Click on the Drop down menu.
4. Choose the location of the Conference Room.
5. Search for the Conference Room you're wanting to add to your video call. Then click 'Join and add this room'.
The conference room name should follow: CampusCode Conference Room.
6. The Conference Room TV and TAP will prompt the Conference Room to join the meeting (see images below). Click 'Join' on the TAP.
7. All done! The Conference Room is joined to the meeting now.
Note: You'll need to mute and turn volume off on your device, so that there's no feedback in the room. Or you can now leave the call from your personal device.