Find the person who needs a leader form.
Search for the person by typing the first few letters of the first and last name in the search bar in the upper right side of the window.
Click the Extended Attributes link just below the family area.
Hover over the Safely & Security bar to see the edit pencil and click that.
Click the blue circle with the + inside just below the Standard Requirement area. Depending on your browser, you may need to scroll to the right to see the blue circle.
All areas below must be filled out for the system to save this requirement.
1. Click the drop down for Type.
2. Select the Date (for today's date type a 't')
3. Find your name in the Person area.
4. Upload the Document pertaining to this requirement. (this can be stored on your desktop until it has been uploaded)
5. Select the Status.
6. Click Save.
There are five ministry leader forms to choose from in the standard requirement drop-down list. Choose the correct one for your ministry.
Click Save again at the bottom of this window.