IT Support Knowledge Base

TL Connects - Create a Keyword

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Creating a Keyword allows you to setup a specific text-in word for attenders or volunteers to enroll in a texting campaign. For example "Text KNOWN to 75433 to receive additional details about upcoming Known events."

IMPORTANT: Keywords are the first step in collecting numbers for any future campaigns that will follow (textALERT and Create an Automated Text). Keywords facilitate TCPA compliance or (double-opt-in) agreements between us and those receiving the texts. This is an important piece to make sure we are following all Federal regulations around sending text messages.

Create a Keyword

Select the type of campaign you want to create (most will be keyword marketing)

Select "No"

Type your Keyword and Description

Your text (including the TCPA compliance message) will populate in the preview panel

With TL Connects any Keyword you create will automatically add the double-opt-in criteria to that message. This ensures we are being TCPA compliant and that those who receive our text messages have the option to opt out if they choose.

Type your message

Review your details and Create

Previous Article TL Connects - Create an Automated Text
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