IT Support Knowledge Base

How To Use Volunteer Scheduling Emails

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The Scheduling Emails page allows you and your team to add and configure the confirmation emails that will be sent to the volunteers once you have scheduled them! You can even preview what the email will look like before it is sent!

1. Filtering Templates

In this section of the Volunteer Scheduling emails page you are able to filter templates! This may prove useful for if/when you and your team create multiple emails and you are trying to locate a specific one.
This section allows you to filter by Title and by when it is active! If you ever need to clear your filters to see all of the templates - simply click “Reset Filters”.

2. Confirmation Email List

In this section, you are able to see a list view of all the email templates you and your team have created! You can view the Title, the Priority, Start Date Time (When it starts to send), When it expires (When it should stop sending), and for which Campus this email is set for!

You can also create a new email template by clicking “Add New Template” in this section! It will direct you to a pop-up where you will be able to craft the template as you and your team desire!

Priorities: You can set email templates to a specific priority (Integer/Number) a template with a higher priority will send in place of anything with a lower priority.

For example - if you have your regular “catch all” email set to 0 for regular schedules, but then you have a special email template set for the same weekend and with a priority of 1. The email with the priority of 1 will send rather than the “catch all” email template.
The “Catch-All” email is put into place for all campuses just in case there are no emails set up by your team.

3. Email Preview

This email preview section behaves as it is described! It displays a preview of the emails you and your team have created as it will when it is sent to your volunteers!

Clicking on the Yellow “Edit This Template” button will allow you to make modifications to the selected email template.

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